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    Time Management, confidence, pedagogical skills and Classroom Management are really my problems when it comes to teaching specially in organizing my lesson activities since there are so many things that come to my mind and its really hard to sort out which activities should I implement. However I started doing things differently, in order to control my instruction time, I made sure that everything is scripted, organized and well practiced so that there will be a smooth flow during discussion. When it comes to my confidence, I just thought of all the hard works and efforts I made just to be with this program and always thought that I am so lucky for having not just taught Thai students but also touched their lives.


   When it comes to pedagogy, I asked my mentors what's the nature and characteristics of my students since they know them well so that I can adjust my teaching strategies and methodology which during my lesson turned out to be effective. Furthermore, for my classroom management issues, I made some rules so that students will be always organize and on-task. I also assigned rewards like additional points, homework pass and praises. If they misbehave and broke some rules, consequences may apply like performing in the class or discussing the topic of the day. I never apply corporal punishment because I respect the behavior and credibility of my students.


   In classroom setting, many problems may arise but always remember to use common sense, authority and the ability to face problems with a smile and composure. It is okay to discipline class but the time for learning and the students credibility should not be sacrificed. Professionalism matters.


Problem- Solving

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